Sunday 14 October 2012

First one!

So, I've set up a blog for my photographs.. If you're reading this then thanks for having a look!

Most of my photographs can be found on my Facebook page (, well the ones that I like, and also now on here for anyone who isn't my 'friend' on Facebook!




  1. Congratulations Steve! Nice to see your photos getting some publicity. If you need any further help getting them out there as it where; let me know and i may give you all the tips and tricks i know!!

  2. Cheers Harriet! a friend said i should start a blog because then anyone can see it not just my facebook friends. i'd happily take some tips and tricks from you! message me on facebook, speak soon x

  3. I was wondering if you had a biography as i am thinking of using you as on of my photographers for my exam?

    1. Hey Lesley. I don't have a biography written up. To be honest I wouldn't even know what to put in one!! If you want to let me know the sort of things I could put in one I'd be more than happy to help. Cheers

  4. Hey Lesley. I don't have a biography written up. To be honest I wouldn't even know what to put in one!! If you want to let me know the sort of things I could put in one I'd be more than happy to help. Cheers
